Below you will find an overview of the countries in which we deliver.
A minimum order amount of €250 applies to each country.
Is your country not listed? Then unfortunately we cannot deliver there.
In addition, our supplier cannot deliver to islands.
Our supplier delivers to the front door.
This means that it is only possible to deliver to the ground floor.
If you choose to send your order to one of your customers, this can only be done in the same country as the country where your company is registered.
The transportation costs depend on your location and the size of the order. However, transport is always per pallet.
The transport options below are only valid for online orders.
For the transport options and costs in our Cash & Carry, please contact one of our sales employees.
Please note: if you come to collect your items yourself, the order must be collected within 2 weeks.
Do you still have questions? Then please contact Colmore.